Governor house, Shillong

It was a cold December evening, Governor’s house, Shillong. Almost all the ‘who is who’ of the capital of undivided Assam were in attendance. The list includes the cabinet ministers, top bureaucrats, senior police officials, highest military, para military brass stationed in and around the capital, prominent Syiems of the Khasi Jaintia tribe ( a kind of ruler of a particular clan ) renowned citizens of Shillong, educationists and businessmen, accompanied by their spouse and special invitees of the Governor’s household coming for this exclusive occasion. Everyone maintained an appropriate dress code as was politely intimated in the invitation card itself. Soft classical music echoed in the background, the orchestra band specially invited from Calcutta were busy tuning their assortment of instruments. The Durbar hall, refurbished and adorned aesthetically in keeping with the occasion, was laid out with choicest cuisine conveniently, the bar, strategically positioned, boasted of the most exotic brands and some age old vintage wine specially imported from abroad. Turbaned spotlessly white uniformed attendants, exclusive to the kitchen of the Governor’s house, moved unobtrusively and silently among the distinguished guests serving wine. liquor, soft drinks and other choice appetizers.

The auspicious occasion was the ring ceremony of Nidhi (name changed), the only daughter of the Governor, the Pakki Misri ceremony as is called among the Sindhi community.

The Emcee( master of ceremonies) announced in her lilting voice that the proceedings of the ceremony was to begin now and that the bride and groom to be would soon be adorning the auspicious occasion. As if in queue, the bride to be, adorned in priceless jewellery and a fitting bridal attire walked down the hall gracefully, accompanied by her doting parents and all the near and dear ones. An exceptionally beautiful, tall, milky fair lady, she dazzled in her beautiful attire, almost blinding the enraptured admiring elegant guests! She was preceded by the groom to be, the son of a wealthy Sindhi family of diamond merchants from far western India, a matchingly handsome fellow, tall and elegant, walking slowly down the red carpet towards the flamboyantly decorated Mandop, accompanied by his family members, friends and dear ones. Senior ladies and young ones alike sang gaily traditional wedding songs, accompanied by dholoks and cymbals.

Seated on the raised, lavishly designed platform of the mondop, the groom and bride to be faced each other, she lowering her gaze demurely, surrounded by gaily singing aged ladies, parents and all the near and dear ones, all the invited guests gathered around the outer circle. As the groom held her left third finger to put the special diamond ring, the entire hall reverberated with thunderous applause. Nidhi instantly fell in love with the ring, a rare two carat round brilliant red diamond fitted exquisitely in shining pure gold, that caressed the milky white soft base of her finger, as if it finally found its long lost home. The ring sparkled in myriad hues, decorative chandelier illuminating the hall bouncing of the ring in rainbow dazzle! The gaiety would not stop, wedding songs reached a crescendo, everyone’s fascinated gaze riveted on the couple, the blossoming love of the magnificent duo radiated with a glow that could almost be touched!

with the ring ceremony in progress, every guest was served with choicest exquisite sindhi sweets, specially imported for the occasion.

The Emcee announced in her bewitching voice that the orchestra and the dance troupe would now be enthralling the august gathering with exotic dance numbers and that the guests were most welcome to join. And so the orchestra played along, the vocalist duo singing most popular dance numbers………

The dance troupe, with a mix of Anglo Indians, both male and female gyrated with gusto, the vibe now seeping among the thrilled milieu, impulsively prompting them to shake a few limbs!

The ladies crowding around the bride and groom to be, tapping to the beats of the music till now, could restrain themselves no longer, and compulsively whisked the gorgeous duo towards the dance floor along with them. Nidhi, an accomplished classical dancer, was equally adept at ballroom dancing and also her fiancee, who frequently moved in such circles, gracefully and flawlessly glided among the dancing milieu, pirouetting with an ease as a duck to water.

And the gaiety continued, with dinner served in between, till the wee hours of that chilling December night.