on my daughter’s wedding

  My friends call me Shovan, otherwise I go by the name Radha Raman Prasad Singha,   Since my school days, I was fascinated by stories, fables and very many bed time tales that my elders often narrated. As I was growing up, we often exchanged story books among classmates and the craze grew. When I was in my tens, owing to some health related reasons my movements were restricted for a considerable period. I was to be under rest. During those days, most of my time was spent reading story books, abridged children version of epics like Mahabharata, Ramayana, Assamese, Bengali story books, Greek fables and myriad others, ie anything that I could lay my hands on. And my father! oh! he would sit beside me and narrate stories from Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Tolstoy and such other great writers every night after returning from office.. Thus, the craze for reading books remained. Besides, as a means to recover, some very light exercises were recommended,  the types which caused no particular strain on the body. The habit continued even after my recovery and have become a part and parcel of my daily routine all these long years. During those adolescent days, I was particularly fascinated by the BULLWORKER , an exercise equipment which was much in vogue in those times. I continuously pestered my parents for one to which my parents ultimately coalesced very reluctantly. I still possess it, rather as a showpiece and memento of past memories, as it has lost its bite by now.   I am a postgraduate in Physics and also a law graduate, and banking was my profession. I have written a manual for my organisation  which was lauded and well received and continues to be the day-to-day guiding manual for all employees of the organisation. I also occasionally venture into writing my experiences and impulsive thoughts; and felt very strongly to publish some of these wild writings some day very soon. 

Hence this humble effort. 

My email address–rrpsingha@gmail.com