This blog  is a purely  personal  blog  with my own writings  and  also  consulted  from   authoritative sources  whenever  the need arose. The  editing  has  been  done  by  me  only.  Questions and queries relating  to this  blog  are  most  welcome   and I  can be   contacted   at    rrpsingha@ gmail.com. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely  the blogger’s own.



All content provided and shared on this blog are from information gathered  from authentic and authoritative sources and also from my personal experience and is written and produced in good faith.


All images/videos used in this blog are taken from sources that are properly credited to the sites they are taken from or are my own sources. I do not own the copyright for the attributed images. If it is found that the sourced work has been used and/or for some reason it needs to be taken out or credited in a particular manner, I would be glad to oblige. No infringement or harm is intended, rather to utilize the image/video for the very purpose it serves. I shall not be liable for any losses, damages or injuries for the same.

Whatever has been said are subject to change, so please check the contents from time to time.

Any questions, comments and feedback are most welcome at my email address rrpsingha@gmail.com.