Nostalgia Dairies, the Reminiscences...

The googly eyes

She was now middle aged, early sixties,I assume. She was quite charming, bordering on the beautiful in her younger days, it was evident even at this late age, A bit squat, burly and reasonably fair complexioned, she would appear quite a friendly lady to anyone who was fortunate enough to get acquainted with her. her ample curly hair, graying a bit at the temples, fell up to her waist if allowed to fall free. But her eyes, oh!! they were big, big as if covering her entire face. On first encounter, one would notice her eyes only, utterly surprised to have found you,as if! Being an incorrigible flirter, I would not miss any chance encounter to play prangs with her to see her eyes go wild.

She had another quality about her, she would not take a prank or a joke as a joke,but would rather take it seriously on face value, thus making it more enjoyable to see her anger grow in her eyes, getting wider and wider, not to mention the volley of choice expletives that would accompany her ever bigger eyes.

She was young but not so young when she got married. The groom she got married to was way older, possibly not less than 16/17 years older than her. A bit dark complexioned, he was an amiable person, already balding, of average height, twin legs shorter than the upper body giving a dwarf like impression to any one meeting him for the first time. He was also unique, unique in the sense that he had an ever smiling face, a rather bald face with snub nose, sparkling smiley eyes with a large mouth and big lips.

They would frequently visit our residence, it was indeed a sight to see them together, one ever surprised, the other always smiling, walking hurriedly with short steps as if to catch up with his prima-donna. They were staying in a rented house adjacent to ours.

It was morning time. Buzz of regular morning chores would waft over, we could easily guess when and what they were doing every morning. This morning, however, there was complete silence after the initial buzz. It was late, past the regular time he would usually leave for office. Father got worried, I was asked to look over. I found the main door half ajar, both husband and wife sitting on opposite sofas, half empty cup of tea by the side,fast asleep, her eyes shut, mouth open! husband smiling as ever with closed eyes. I am enticed to mention here about another common trait they possessed, both were prone to doze off in the middle of a chat anytime anywhere. This morning, however, the dozing extended into a continuation of overnight sleep! Her eyes popped out, his smile grew wider as I aroused them calling loudly. The frontal base of his snub nose would widen further with his growing smile flattening out whatever sharpness his nose possessed.

Once he was transferred to a town in lower Assam from Shillong on getting promoted in service. It so happened that in course of my touring job, on one occasion, I had to be their guest. Next morning after finishing my toilet ritual, I found her waiting for me. She looked at me with wide surprised eyes and said as if in an accusing tone,” did you go to the toilet”? I was taken aback! did I do something very wrong! Then it dawned on me, her nature I mean. It was her usual way of speaking!

In the evening, we were having high tea accompanied with usual small talk. As we were talking, I sensed that he was speaking in bits and pieces with blurred disjointed words.Puzzled, as I looked at him I saw his eyes closed, fixed smiling expression as ever dominating his face. Oh! he had dozed off and mumbling in his sleep!!

One fine evening, she was the central figure in a hot gossip that was brewing among a large group of their Ladyships over hot cups of tea and fitting snacks. She was deeply engrossed in putting forth her views, eyes doing most of the talking, getting bigger sometimes, narrowing at other times, trying to pop out with excitement as the moot issue became juicier calling names at some one who definitely was not part of the congregation! I made a dramatic entrance, making sure that every one’s attention was riveted at me. Her gaze fell on me with big big eyes, obviously irritated at being interrupted in the midst of her flowing harangue. With a dramatic expression I winked at her alternately with both eyes, allowing it to linger on for a little longer. At first she turned crimson with embarrassment, then with rage.The room broke down with boisterous laughter, she sprang up like a spring released, waddled towards me with a speed that belied her plump body and age, right hand raised, ready for a good tight slap, eyes almost coming out of her sockets, intention ominous!! I fled, waiting at a safer distance, enjoying the sight! Being unable to catch me, she shouted her choicest abuses, limited though the vocabulary was, obviously not very adept at such games.

The type of amiable and simple lady that she was, she soon forgot my antics till my next encounter.


In the Lushai hills


The hailstorm


  1. Surasmita Singha

    Its very Funny 🤣

  2. Gitashree Singha

    It’s a very sweet story

  3. Sushant

    Lovely post !

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